July 8, 2019
Today was a very busy day.
It is a very long story, so we'll just make it as short as possible without getting into anyone's personal lives.
The owner of 5 wonderful horses fell on hard times and was unable to get to or ask for help until a time came where it was safe. We were able to assist her, she surrendered her 5 horses and we brought them all here today.
MANY people have said they want to help these horses so NOW IS THE TIME! We can use any and all hay, grain, super weight gain powder, supplements, donations..... you name it, they will need it!
We keep a *WISH LIST* at Amazon.com
Please do not judge the owner, she made a very tough choice to finally give up her horses to go to us to get the help they need. If you have never fallen on hard times, you have been lucky.
What we need now is to help the horses to progress in their rehabilitation process. They are not available for adoption until we can get their health up to a good level. 4 of the horses score 1 on The Henneke Scoring System and the 5th horse scores between 1 and 2 upon their arrival.
Ask us how you can help us to help these horses in their rehabilitation progress. Please follow our fundraisers on Facebook, share them and local donations are accepted.
We are also on https://smile.amazon.com/
When you sign in just choose our rescue: White Phantoms Wild Horse Rescue from the Non Profit charities list and we will receive a % of all purchases you make automatically and it is free for you.
Today we had to pick up 3 mineral tubs, 2 large water troughs and more supplies and they will need much more as the days go on. This came from our own pockets, so any help is appreciated and we are a 501c3 NON PROFIT Rescue so your donation is tax-deductible. We can provide a receipt if needed!
This is not a post to bash the prior owner, this is a post to show she did the right thing for their future and what RESCUE IS ALL ABOUT. Let's help these special horses. We are not here to make people afraid to ask us for help in taking in horses in dire need.
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals and improve conditions. Your generous donation will fund our mission.
This is the first of the 5 starving horses we took in on July 8, 2019
Saving horses like him is what it is all about but we need your support to keep helping to save lives. it is a never-needing endeavor. We specialize in wild pregnant mares and foals but are finding that special case needs like these domestics are in need also our top priority.
Today (July 11, 2019) was another busy day but we had to get grain for the horses that need it. I was able to get the feed store to match a lower price of another feed store for the beet pulp and the grain mix we need averages $26-$47 so I checked all ingredients and was able to find one from their local grain company that was equivalent for under $15 a bag..... so for just over $108 we got 3 bags of much needed grain & 5 bags of beet pulp!! It pays to bargain shop! We were told to return next week to talk to the head guy in hopes we can work out a deal on other items we very much need here at the rescue. And let's hope for discounts!!!