It's not all BEAUTY and Perfection in the beginning!
With the help of YOU as part of our village, every horse does have a chance.
Everything we do is to make each horse's life better. Help them heal on the outside and inside. Wild horses bring a new reality. Many won't eat grain, you cannot catch them for treatments without terrifying them, so what we do is help them with calm, patience and trust in order to medically care for them.
Whiskey was severely injured on her hind leg when we met her, a ripped hole to the bone but because she was extremely wild and just caught, there was a slim chance of survival for her. Her injury was extreme.
Infection could set in and was our worst fear for her. She was terrified of people and it was unknown how she was injured but knowing she would die without intervention, we took her home with us: her newborn filly at her side.
Whiskey is very smart, she allowed me to topically treat her wound several times daily: you can see the progress in her photos. She would walk down the aisle way we made (as long as it was not closed in, she would not panic) and I could spray the wound with a squirt bottle.
Would this be good enough? She refused ALL grains, treats and any feed with oral antibiotics on it so we were stuck with topical.
It took many months, Whiskey can run and shows no signs she was injured, other than some proud flesh and a scar. No tendons or muscles show any damage. She may never have a beautiful leg, but she is a beautiful horse, strong and a will to survive!