We are a 501(c)(3) NON PROFIT Tax-Deductible charitable organization.
EIN: 83-3644143
Wild & Domestic Horse Rescue: helping save those in need.
Located in TONASKET WA
Email: [email protected]
EIN: 83-3644143
Wild & Domestic Horse Rescue: helping save those in need.
Located in TONASKET WA
Email: [email protected]
We want to thank EVERYONE for being a part of helping
White Phantoms Wild Horse Rescue save lives in need.
We are open and transparent to all.
We are a registered 501c3 Non Profit with all volunteers, no one gets a salary or paid for anything.
For the year of 2021 our incoming donations/funds were $21,121.93
Expenses were as follows:
HAY: $14490
GRAIN $187.40
WEBSITE: $588.06
REFUNDS $550 (gelding & adoption fee)
VET $544.00
BANK FEES $20.00
All end of the year funds are currently in the rescue account and we are raising funds for hay that we will need to start restocking again.
Horses brought in to the rescue for the year 2021 were as follows
Domestics surrendered: 9
Wild/Feral: 21
This count does NOT include any foals born after their arrival.
We want to give HUGE thanks to all who donated privately to our vet: Tonasket Vet Services, where we have a special account just for the rescue, to those who always help us with our fundraisers, events, donated items... to North 40 for a huge donation of grain which helped keep our costs way down....So many more...
You will notice that there are no fuel costs and other expenses?
Trailers, trucks, fuel, more hay, farrier fees, delivery people, etc.....They all volunteered or were all donated/paid for directly by people because our funds are clearly very tight for the amount of horses we try to help and we've had to put a limit on due to costs of feed and medical. That's one of the hardest parts of rescue: having to pick and choose and say ‘no’ in order to provide properly for any that do come in the rescue.
The number of calls we field are amazing!
Beginning in 2022: there are 2 surrendered domestic horses at the rescue, we are feeding 2 owner surrenders at another residence until they can be transported (due to weather), 3 wilds scheduled to come in and we are feeding 5 starving local wild/feral horses in dire need.
We don't take in sanctuary horses, we will refer those to a sanctuary, everything here is brought in, assessed, cared for and put up for adoption to approved homes with applications on file.
We rely on donations, fundraising and all ideas are welcomed to help us in the new year and years to come to help cover hay, supplements, equipment and vet expense bills.
One of a herd of feral horses we are taking in.
We have all the supplies to treat her wounds, worm her and plenty of food in front of her and water thanks to our many donors who care so much about these forgotten horses!
These are the things we do here at the rescue for the incoming horses in need.
This is WHY we rescue. This is one of MANY wild/feral horses that are killed often by people. This particular yearling was gut shot and suffered for days before he died.
These wounds were completely flushed out until all maggots were gone, medications are being given for all her special needs.
Working with them to get the proper nutrients. Sometimes it takes alot of time for their fur to come back in when they blow their coats: not enough nutrition can make for a lengthy "catching up"
Luckily they are making good progress as the days go on, they have medicines, food and much needed care.
None of us can ever understand how a human can do this to so many loving animals!
Wounds are sometimes beyond repair. This was a wild yearling colt.
Many others don't survive....
We are trying very hard to help the horses we have here and all the new ones needing special care that have arrived & expecting to keep arriving.
We are an all volunteer recognized 501c3 Non Profit, every penny goes the the horses' and their needs, their feed, supplements, vet care & all medical supplies.
Rescue is about saving lives, loving and caring for animals.
Sometimes, things happen differently and these are some of our real life stories about *Saving a life* for the sake of the horse. Giving up a part of our hearts to help them.
For less than a latte for the day you can donate $5 to help feed the rescues.
Every dollar helps. If you've donated, THANK YOU, please share, every share gets the word out to everyone about these incredible horses!
All are available for adoption.
We are working so very hard to have fundraisers for hay we desperately need. We are trying to raise the awareness of our fundraisers to help these incredible horses we have and help cover the hay we still need ongoing to keep saving so many lives.
ALL our donations go directly to hay only .... please if you can donate or share our fundraiser, everything will help us in some possible way....
Become a part of our village saving the lives of Pregnant mares bound for slaughter and worse fates....
You can click the donate button at the bottom of this page.
You can also donate via paypal to our wild horse's hay fundraiser to [email protected]
If you wish to donate to our vet directly for all the rescue horse's needs:
Tonasket Veterinary Service
31648 Highway 97
Tonasket, WA 98855
Their phone number is 509 486 2166
Our account for the rescue horses is under our Rescue name: White Phantoms Wild Horse Rescue
We have a couple rescue pages on FB and a FB group if you want to like/join and follow our progress with all the pregnant mares and rescues this village helps and be a part of our village:
Each one of us specializes in many different aspects, which brings our rescue together in a special way to help each individual horse and foal that enters our program.
We rescue and rehabilitate as many wild or abandoned horses, domestic horses as well as the needs arise; assess their physical and training needs; rehabilitate and provide care and training as appropriate; evaluate their placement attributes; and place them into appropriate permanent homes.
Education will be considered a high priority. Informational literature will be dispensed to all applicants, interested parties, and the general public through rescue events, feed stores, and other appropriate places and events, to showcase available horses, their plight in the wild, and ongoing rescue efforts.